
×On Apr.28th(Sun.),29th(Mon.), and from May 3rd(Fri.) to 6th(Mon.) , JPNEAZY concierge(not restaurants) are closed due to the National holiday.
(If you have already made your reservation on Apr.28th,29th, and from May 3rd to 6th, of course your reservation is guaranteed. )

Thank you for your understanding.

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 - / Steak

Restaurant information

Sun -Sat : 11.30 - 23.00

66 65 331 0706


Ratchadamri Rd | 6th Floor, Central World, Bangkok, Thailand


Review summary


  • profile

    This mall stands out as one of the most beautiful I've ever visited. I spent nearly two hours exploring the captivating outdoor area and ground floor alone, and it's worth noting that the mall boasts a total of eight floors! The outdoor spaces feature seasonal themes and include local food stalls, m...

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