
×On Apr.28th(Sun.),29th(Mon.), and from May 3rd(Fri.) to 6th(Mon.) , JPNEAZY concierge(not restaurants) are closed due to the National holiday.
(If you have already made your reservation on Apr.28th,29th, and from May 3rd to 6th, of course your reservation is guaranteed. )

Thank you for your understanding.

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 - / Vegetarian

Ferran Tadeo

Restaurant information

Sun - Sat
12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
6:00 PM - 10:30 PM

66 2 011 7430


88 Wireless Road Park Hyatt Hotel, Bangkok 10330 Thailand


Review summary


  • profile

    They forgot about our steaks an hour after ordering them but made up for it by giving us a free cocktail each. It was my birthday and I wanted to go elsewhere afterwards but didn’t due to time constraints. They surprised me with 2 slices of cake and sang happy birthday which was nice though and the ...

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