
×On Apr.28th(Sun.),29th(Mon.), and from May 3rd(Fri.) to 6th(Mon.) , JPNEAZY concierge(not restaurants) are closed due to the National holiday.
(If you have already made your reservation on Apr.28th,29th, and from May 3rd to 6th, of course your reservation is guaranteed. )

Thank you for your understanding.

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Restaurant information

852 2366 2414

No.18C Jusixun Road, Hong Kong, China


Review summary


  • profile

    Good meal (a friend of mine said it’s the best Hangzhou cuisine in HK, which is why many people come visit I think). 75 years of history is respectable but the price is just unreasonable (probably why only 2 tables dinning on a Friday night). 1500 for a hairy crab is a ripoff. Be aware of the price ...

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