
×On Apr.28th(Sun.),29th(Mon.), and from May 3rd(Fri.) to 6th(Mon.) , JPNEAZY concierge(not restaurants) are closed due to the National holiday.
(If you have already made your reservation on Apr.28th,29th, and from May 3rd to 6th, of course your reservation is guaranteed. )

Thank you for your understanding.

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Restaurant information

Sun - Sat : 9:00 AM - 12:30 AM

852 2132 7898

8 Peking Road | Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong, China


Review summary


  • profile

    Fantastic location for shopping!! The hotel has large rooms and the room service is very good. The breakfast buffet is very good and is a good value for the money. The spa is great. The massage therapist is really good. The best massage that I’ve had for a while.

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