JPNEAZY can support you to have the best Japan trip by the followings.
We will share you the best recommended restaurants nearby.
WE will make a reservation of wherever you would like to go without speaking Japanese.
Many great local restaurants recommended by locals can be discovered.

JPNEAZY can support you to have the best Japan trip by the followings.
We will share you the best recommended restaurants nearby.
WE will make a reservation of wherever you would like to go without speaking Japanese.
Many great local restaurants recommended by locals can be discovered.

Ask for recommendation

Chat Service


Live chat hours: 10:00am - 6:00pm(JST).
Available in Japan with a firm knowledge of the most popular restaurants and cuisines, the concierge will be able to make the most suitable recommendations.

We'll get you a table

Reservation Services

Seat reservation

We'll get you a table at select
restaurants throughout Japan

seat reservation

Seat reservation

We'll get you a table at select
restaurants throughout Japan

How to use Seat reservation

1. Chose your restaurant

2. We will make a seat reservation for you

3. Your seat reservation will be confirmed after payment.

Payment must be made within 2days of making your reservation.

Menu reservation

PreOrder your meal from popular restaurants!

menu reservation

Menu reservation

menu reservation

PreOrder your meal from popular restaurants!

How to use Menu reservation

1. Select your choice from the menu

2. We will make a seat reservation for you

3. Your seat reservation will be confirmed after payment.

Payment must be made within 2days of making your reservation.
Instant payment required for some restaurants.

Company NameFesbase Inc.
Business descriptionInternet service business Movie
media and Chat Reservation service
CEOMasato Kaneda
Address3-5-3 Kamiosaki, Shinagawa,
TokyoIJapan, 141−0021
FoundedSep. 2015
Main financing I bankMizuho Bank Shibuya Branch.